A very important milestone: for the first time a motorhome manufacturer brand manages to obtain such recognition at a national level in a category, such as the automotive one, where competition in investments and promotion is felt.
An innovative storytelling, new to our business, set and written on board our campers. A day by day on the road that enthused from the idea to the realisation, then promoted through a communication campaign adapted to the plein air reality.
Two couples of Travel influencer: In Viaggio col Tubo, on board of the Van Admiral K 6.5, and Mi Prendo e Mi Porto Via, on board of the Motorhome K-Yacht Tekno Line 90 traced a word of hope, "LIFE", starting from opposite points to rejoin in Paris after two weeks of travel.
Trigano S.p.A. - P.I. 01010530523 - C.F. 12636260155 N° REA 13954 - Cap. Soc. 18.000.000 i.v.